Monday, November 17, 2008

How To Dominate In Any Niche Using Free SEO Wordpress Blog Software

How You Can Use Articles On YOur Blog To Grab Free Traffic From The Search Engines

Article marketing is the best free way to increase traffic to your website from a variety of sources. The number of locations articles can be placed is enormous with each one containing a link back to a site of your choice. It is a simple matter to submit your article to these places which should, wherever possible, be popular websites, an increase in visitors to your site should happen quite quickly. Popular sites tend to be recognized as ‘authority' sites, so if your article is used it can improve your credibility also, This credibility will enhance your trust which is very important on the Internet.

If you perform this article marketing and submission process on a regular basis, people will begin to search for your material and trust your work. Showing people you are knowledgeable on certain topics means they will trust whatever you write and bookmark your site. Incoming links to your site from people that trust your work will boost your ranking with the various search engines, As your ranking grows, there will be even more visitors to your site. The benefit of all these sites linking to your site is a increase in your ranking, all of this comes with no charge so you are actually able to market yourself for free.

A number of links to other relevant sites can be placed in the body text (not too many) when using article marketing. Each time your article is placed (with the links) on another site, it just helps boost the ranking of your own website! Unfortunately you cannot normally expect your site to be listed straight away with the search engines. However if you are submitting articles that are relevant to your website, the process of listing your site is usually much quicker which increases traffic.

Article marketing helps to improving the ranking of a site but in addition to this it also helps increase the amount of content at the same time which again improves rank. Don't forget that many visitors to your site are not visiting to buy something. The more truthful you are about what you are doing, the more visitors will appreciate it providing the information you supply is relevant to their search. It is at this point that the sales promotion can be used. This a little like taking them by the hand so they know what they are buying and most importantly, why. The last thing you want after making the sale is to return the money so by doing carrying out this process you lessen your chance of it happening.

It is this process of article marketing that ensures you will be in business for a long time, This process must be repeated on a regular basis for it to work. Remember, if you have an interesting site you will also receive links from other website owners who may also use your article as well, Your content or article will have information that other people are seeking. Article marketing is still by far the easiest way to drive traffic to your website and it doesn't cost a cent, All you need is to keep supplying them with the information they are looking for in the form of articles.

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